2021 Minimum Wage Increases
By Kevin M. Mosher • Dec 3, 2020
As we near the start of 2021 (can you believe it?), employers and HR professionals should be on the lookout for new laws and regulations going into effect January 1st. Employers with employees in multiple states should be especially aware of minimum wage increases, as most states have minimum wages requirements that differ from the federal standard. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled all the states that are increasing their minimum wage requirements at the start of 2021 and what those new minimum wage rates will be.
Minimum Wage Increases by State
As is always the case, cities can impose their own minimum wage requirements above and beyond those imposed by the state or federal government. It’s important to keep abreast of any changes to any local ordinances imposing minimum wage requirements or any other worker protections.
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