Annual myHRgenius Program Review
By Kevin M. Mosher • Jan 9, 2020
Now that open enrollment is over and new/revised policies and handbooks are either in place or in the works—a never-ending cycle—it’s time to plan for what HR will look like in 2020. It’s an election year, so it’s unlikely the federal government will pass much substantive law. Federal agencies, however, are always incredibly busy in an election year, as departing administrations accelerate making regulatory changes in the final days of their authority. Expect a lot of regulations to be issued in 2020. On January 16, we’ll review important developments for HR and Risk professionals from 2019, and preview what to expect in 2020. Register here for the webinar.
Every year I send out a recap of the myHRgenius program, and this year is no exception. In case you missed it (and this is a guilt-free zone if you did), the following is a review of the program, and what we added in 2019:
New brand. In 2018 we rebranded from the old subscription-based HR Hotline to “myHRgenius.” With the rebrand we have a new website: Our logo and name are even trademarked, so the new branding is confirmed official.
New website. All historic webinars and tips are located on the new website, so if you haven’t checked it out and need to review an old tip or watch any of our webinars, you’ll find them there.
We now have 3 membership levels!
Savant: you receive unlimited access to the HR Hotline where you can call our lawyers on any HR matter for no legal fees.
Brainiac: our best value program where you get the Savant package + access to model documents and an annual review of your job application form.
Genius: our top end program where you receive the other packages + 10% off legal services + an annual employee handbook review + harassment or other training (in-person or online).
As a current member, you’re welcome to switch to any package level at any time—just pay the price differential. Let us know if you have questions about these packages.
We now do podcasts! Different from the webinars, the podcasts are short Q&A interview sessions with other lawyers or HR or Risk professionals where we explore a specific topic important to all of us who work with employees. They are relaxed, short, informative, and a lot of fun. You can access our podcasts on the website or through Spotify, Google Play, Apple or Stitcher. Let us know what you think of them and what topics you’d like to hear!
We continue to produce informative and high-quality webinars. In 2019 we enhanced our webinar productions with a new platform with great results, producing 12 webinars on exciting topics. We will continue deep-diving into a number of topics near and dear to HR and Risk managers’ hearts. Please go to to check out and register for our webinar series.
Thank you for your membership in the myHRgenius program, and thank you for referring our program to your colleagues. Because our program grows primarily through word-of-mouth referrals, your decision to recommend our program to colleagues is sincerely appreciated and humbling. It is our goal to provide you with sound and timely legal guidance and educational resources again in 2020. Happy New Year!
~ Kevin Mosher
Thompson Coe and myHRgenius Tip of the Week is not intended as a solicitation, does not constitute legal advice, and does not establish an attorney-client relationship.