The New I-9 Handbook Has Arrived!
By Kevin M. Mosher • Mar 3, 2017
If you have plans this weekend consider canceling them because the new M-274 handbook for employers has arrived. Measuring 65 pages and including new pictures and examples of documents, the revised M-274 portends to be a useful guide for all human resources professionals and small employers involved in the Form I-9 process. It is worthwhile reading for everyone involved in the I-9 process and reflects all changes stemming from the new Form I-9 which was released in November 2016, and became effective January 22, 2017.
In addition to the M-274, the Department of Homeland Security has issued a handy table illustrating in detail every change to the Form I-9 and related documents. For anyone doubting the complexity of the I-9 process, they need only review the 53 pages detailing the changes from the 2013 version of the I-9 to the 2017 form. The table is slightly overwhelming, but here again it is a good read and useful information for professionals involved in the I-9 process.
I-9 Employer Handbook: Link here!
List of Changes to Form I-9: Link here!
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