Welcome to 2018 Minimum Wage Increases!
By Kevin M. Mosher • Dec 29, 2017
A New Year’s tradition that has gained steam in the past several years has been the annual minimum wage increase review. It’s actually a bi-annual review, because so many minimum wages increase around July 1, but that doesn’t sound as festive. In any event, minimum wages are increasing throughout the country though not at the federal level and mostly not in the South, but everywhere else there is a continued amount of inertia to increase wages for the lowest paid workers. One trend the past few years, which you should note from the chart below upon examination, is for states with major metropolitan areas to demand higher minimum wages in the cities and then lower in non-urban areas.
The following is a list of the minimum wage increases set to take effect in 2018, including select cities and municipalities:
State or Municipality |
Amount |
Alaska |
$9.84 |
Arizona |
$10.50 |
California |
$11.00 (26+ employees) $10.50 (<26 employees) |
Colorado |
$10.20 |
Florida |
$8.25 |
Hawaii |
$10.10 |
Maine |
$10.00 |
Michigan |
$9.25 |
Minnesota |
$9.65 (rev. $500,000+) $7.87 (< $500,000 revenue) |
Montana |
$8.30 |
New Jersey |
$8.60 |
New York |
$10.40 (standard workers except for employees in NYC and Long Island – see below) $11.75 (fast food workers, except as below) $13.00 (for NYC bus. w/ 11+ employees) $12.00 (for NYC bus. w/ <11 employees) $13.50 (fast food workers in NYC) $11.00 (for Long Island employees) |
Ohio |
$8.30 |
Rhode Island |
$10.10 |
South Dakota |
$8.85 |
Vermont |
$10.50 |
Washington |
$11.50 |
Minneapolis, MN |
$10.00 (100+ employees) |
Flagstaff, AZ |
$11.00 |
Los Altos, CA |
$13.50 |
Milpitas, CA |
$12.00 |
Cupertino, CA |
$13.50 |
Mountain View, CA |
$15.00 |
Oakland, CA |
$13.23 |
Palo Alto, CA |
$13.50 |
San Jose, CA |
$13.50 |
Santa Clara, CA |
$13.00 |
SeaTac, WA |
$15.64 (for hospitality and transportation only) |
Seattle, WA |
$15.45 (501+ employees & don’t offer medical benefits) $15.00 (501+ employees & do offer medical benefits) $14.00 (<501 employees & don’t offer medical benefits) $11.50 (<501 employees & do offer medical benefits) |
Tacoma, WA |
$12.00 |
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