Thompson Coe’s Houston Office Secures Summary Judgment
Aug 22, 2014
The Louisiana Supreme Court reinstated a summary judgment in Thompson Coe’s favor in a case that involved D&O claims against the former officers and directors of an oil & gas company and has claims for 2 policy years, each with a $5 million limit. There were also direct action claims against the client. On 7/22, the trial court granted summary judgment on the basis of no notice in the first policy year. The plaintiffs took an interlocutory appeal, and the court of appeals reversed the summary judgment on 8/11. Cy Haralson of Thompson Coe’s Houston office drafted the Expedited Application for Supervisory Writ, asking the Louisiana Supreme Court to reinstate district court’s summary judgment. The Plaintiffs filed a lengthy opposition on 8/18, but the Supreme Court granted the writ request, and the summary judgment was reinstated. The ruling saved the client $5 million.